Bassett Street, NW5

“Old people don’t go out but wander over here. People helping people. No issues, no fights. We have action days every 3 weeks and started building cold frames.” (Bassett Street resident)


“The garden helped to bring the community together. Around here a lot of people were frightened to look at each other.” (Bassett Street resident)

“I didn’t think it would last but I see people using the space regularly which is nice to see.”(Bassett Street resident)

  • dates:
    2009 – ongoing
  • land ownership:

    Camden Council

  • size:


  • number of plots:


  • plot size:


  • partnership:

    what if: projects Ltd, Groundwork London, Camden Council

  • funding:

    Big Lottery, Camden Council

  • other support:

    Camden Job Train (planter construction)

  • film:

    Basset Street Community Growing Project